FareShare Food Efficiency Framework

Uploaded by: Kate Bygrave
Updated on: 3rd October 2017
Author(s): Fareshare

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The FareShare Food Efficiency Framework is aimed at all companies within the food and drink sector enabling, your business to increase resource efficiency, reduce food waste and take proactive steps to support those experiencing food poverty. Using this framework will enable you to prepare and plan in advance for any potential food surplus within your operation.

The Efficiency Framework is first and foremost a method of assessment. A chance for you, potentially with Fareshare’s support, to identify where food you cannot sell arises in your operation, and how you can tackle it quickly and cost effectively. It then sets out an approach where you can send any remaining surplus food – as there will occasionally be some surplus, even in the most efficient of systems – for social good.

FareShare can take your surplus food and distribute it to their network of charities to make meals for those people who need it the most.

Contact email: foodoffers@fareshare.org.uk
More info link: http://www.fareshare.org.uk
