Animal Feed Tool
Manufacturers, processors, fruit, veg and grain farmers and retailers (greengrocers and strictly vegan shops) where there is no risk of cross-contamination with any products of animal origin
Your former foodstuffs and by-products can be used in farm animal feed as long as you:
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have hygiene measures (a light-touch HACCP) in place to ensure the feed ingredients remain safe and wholesome in storage and transport.
Ensure the former foodstuffs are free from packaging and other contaminants (unless you have an agreement in place with a former foodstuffs processor to safely depackage the former foodstuffs).
Guidance for specific products of interest as feed:
Other plant-based co- and by-products (e.g. Wheat bran, beet pulp, molasses, pea hulls, vegetable/seed oil by-products)
Click through to see more extensive list.