Animal Feed Tool
You have former foodstuffs that do not contain any ingredients of animal origin, but come from premises where products or ingredients of animal origin are handled or stored.
You have former foodstuffs that do not contain any ingredients of animal origin, but come from premises where products or ingredients of animal origin are handled or stored.
Can your products (crackers, bread and pasta for example) be kept fully segregated at all stages of production, handling and storage from the following animal by-products?:
a) Raw meat, fish, eggs and shellfish
b) Cooked or partially cooked meat, fish and shellfish
c) Ruminant gelatine or collagen.
d) Any catering or kitchen waste, regardless of whether or not it contains Animal By-Products.
If you are not sure whether you can modify your operations to ensure segregation, have a look at this example provided by DEFRA on a retailer wishing to supply surplus bakery products for animal feed (returns depot but valid for all contexts). If, after considering this example, you think you can implement a segregation system click Yes, and once you have gone through a few more questions regarding the nature of your product we will point you to the detailed guidance to help you with establishing an appropriate system.