“Medium” List of Waste Streams Appropriate for Valorisation

Uploaded by: Jennifer Wilson
Updated on: 3rd October 2017
Author(s): Nina Sweet, Kate Bygrave, Graham Moates, Keith Waldron

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The REFRESH project has evaluated the key EU waste streams having significant environmental impact. Over 290 waste streams were identified, scored and reviewed to produce a list of priority waste streams for further study. The list includes brewers’ spent grains, oil press cake and meat & dairy side-streams such as slaughter by-products and whey, as well as apple pomace, orange peel and tomato pomace.

Over 290 waste streams were identified by REFRESH researchers in a thorough review of expert knowledge, commercial literature, books, scientific papers and internet sources.  These were scored and reviewed to narrow down to a list of 37 priority waste streams for further study and evaluation.

The report provides clear focus to the REFRESH project regarding those waste streams across a range of food groups which are present in high volumes with high environmental impact. These waste streams can be further studied and evaluated to see if these impacts can be reduced.

Contact name: Kate Bygrave
Contact email: kate.bygrave@wrap.uk.org
More info link: http://eu-refresh.org/medium-list-waste-streams-appropriate-valorisation
