The Food Waste Monitor Tool

The Food Waste Monitor Tool

Food Waste Monitor

This prototype monitoring tool is dedicated to food waste occurring at the supermarket-outlet level.


The prototype monitoring tool is about in-store food waste, which occurs after the store has accepted delivered products. In-store food waste occurs for different reasons. For example due to expiration date labels (expired best-before or use-by dates), unacceptable quality decay (quality as judged by sensory aspects such as visual appearance and odour) or product/packaging damage. Expired date labels are considered one of the main reasons for in-store food waste. Therefore, the prototype monitoring tool focusses on food products with an expiry date (e.g. fresh-cut vegetables and packed, fresh meat)..


Tool Details

The monitor’s level of detail is that food waste is registered at product-level and at a weekly level. Sales data and out-of-stock data are important contextual data.The envisioned user of the prototype monitoring tool is someone at the retailer’s head office who is interested in food waste at the retail outlets, e.g. a category manager or a sustainability manager.