Consumer food waste is not the consequence of discarding waste, but of the accumulation of behaviours performed earlier in time. This report describes and interlinks the behaviours leading to waste and the factors influencing them. This report has integrated prior research into one theoretical framework in which the focus lies on the motivation, the abilities and the opportunities of consumers to prevent food waste while managing their household.
Causes & Determinants of Consumers Food Waste
Uploaded by: Jennifer Wilson
Uploaded on: 4th July 2017
Author(s): MSc Lisanne van Geffen, Dr. Erica van Herpen, Prof. Dr. Hans van Trijp
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This report presents a theoretical framework on consumer food waste behaviours. The framework is based on the current status quo of the literature and will form the basis for further research executed by the EU project REFRESH (Resourse Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain). The focus of the report is on the specific behaviours increasing the likelihood to waste as well as the drivers of these behaviours.
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