Danish consumers reduced food waste by 14,000 tonnes in 6 years

Uploaded by: Selina Juul
Uploaded on: 26th April 2018
Author(s): The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark

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The Danes living in the apartment houses have reduced food waste by 24 % per person – and Danish households in total have reduced food waste by 8 % per person over the past six years. The Stop Wasting Food movement, an NGO which started the fight against food waste in Denmark 10 years ago, welcomes the positive development.Danish households have reduced food waste by 14,000 tons in the years 2011 to 2017. Danish households in total have reduced food waste by 8 % per person in the years 2011/2012 to 2017, show new the figures by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. New figures from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency show that all Danish households had a food waste of 261,000 tonnes in 2011/2012 – and this has dropped to 247,000 tonnes in 2017. The report shows that the Danes living in the apartment houses have reduced their food waste by 24 % per person over the past six years – but Danes living in single-family houses have not yet reduced their food waste. A new report from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration shows that there is a positive focus on the food waste problem in the Danish households: a total of 85% of Danes have become aware of the food waste problem during the past year. In addition, the report points out that motivation to reduce food waste is linked to how much money the households can save: 66% of Danes believe that the opportunity to save money will make them reduce food waste. In addition, 54% of Danes see food waste as a problem for the environment. The Stop Wasting Food movement, an NGO which started the fight against food waste in Denmark 10 years ago, welcomes the positive development:”We’ve been campaigning to reduce Danish people’s food waste for the last 10 years, and the fact that the Danes living in the apartment houses have reduced food waste by 24 % per person over the past six years – and Danish households in total have reduced food waste by 8 % per person over the past six years – shows that we are on the right track, especially today, in time of economical upswing. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, especially focusing on the single-family houses, but overall the new numbers show that we are moving towards a good direction.” Read the full report here (The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark):   https://bit.ly/2HNb1At See more here: https://www.thelocal.dk/20180418/danish-consumers-reduced-food-waste-by-14000-tonnes-in-6-years

Contact name: Stop Wasting Food
More info link: https://bit.ly/2HNb1At