Drivers and Barriers for Reducing Food Waste in School Kitchens

Uploaded by: Karin Östergren
Uploaded on: 3rd May 2019
Author(s): Marika Arvidsson

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The objective of this thesis is to identify drivers and barriers for implementing food waste reducing strategies in school kitchens. The study is conducted within the project Göteborgsmodellen för mindre matsvinn.

The analytical framework for this thesis is an eight step model for change. Within these steps, drivers and barriers were mapped by collecting data from a qualitative study including interviews with representatives from Göteborgsmodellen, a study visit in a school kitchen and interviews with personnel from four school kitchens in the Swedish municipality Göteborgs Stad.

The overall conclusion from the drivers and barriers identified within this thesis is to start with facilitating recooking of leftovers. This is done by introducing a flexible dish on the menu, installing equipment for example cooling down leftovers and inspiring personnel to be creative with how they recook the food. Reducing overproduction is the ultimate goal, however it is both difficult due to unpredictable amounts of food consumed and it is less connected to the drivers. That said, the change process is not finished until there are routines in place both for recooking leftovers and reducing overproduction.

As for the future, this research should be deepened with studies on initial barriers to reduce food waste and psychological and behavioural patterns in the whole process as well as broaden with the drivers and barriers in other types of large-scale kitchens.

Contact name: Karin Östergren
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