Foodlist – a tool for food donation
Uploaded by: Tomas Haug
Uploaded on: 2nd October 2017
Author(s): Foodlist
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Foodlist is a unique donation tool that can be used for connecting all actors with surplus food in the food chain to charities and setting up an easy and efficient donation process. Food businesses simply add information about food available for donation in the Foodlist donation module and then send a message to one or all charities close by. The food business set the time for pick-up and the charity can choose to accept or decline. For charities this makes it possible to get a better overview of what is offered for donation. There is no need any longer for charities to travel to food businesses and sort through food objects in the back looking for food that is suitable for serving. The problem of overstocking certain food objects in charities is also addressed since charities choose the food that they need and can use within its expiration date. In this way Foodlist donation module helps prevent moving food waste from one part of the food chain to charities.
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