Guidance on interpreting Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3
Uploaded by: David Phillips
Uploaded on: 24th August 2017
Author(s): Prepared by Craig Hanson (WRI) with input from colleagues and experts working on issues relating to food loss and waste
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SDG Target 12.3 is a once-in-a-generation call to action to cut in half per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer level, and reducing food losses along production and supply chains (including post-harvest losses) by 2030. Governments and companies should adopt this target as their own, start measuring to manage, and boldly take action. In response to ambiguity of the exact meaning of SDG Target 12.3, this document proposes a clarification and an interpretation of the SDG target on food loss and waste which could be considered “best practice” for how governments and companies should interpret SDG Target 12.3.
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