Journey of Food eLearning module
Uploaded by: Nick Garrod
Uploaded on: 13th September 2017
Author(s): Nick Garrod
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The Journey of Food is an interactive 30 minute eLearning module, developed by Cloud Sustainability in partnership with Veris. The module gives an excellent overview of the food waste ‘issue’ and provides key actions we can implement to be more sustainable. The Journey of Food focuses on personal engagement, with the journey beginning at home before moving on to a number of different scenes and environments including agriculture, manufacturing, retail, catering and the waste industry. The module very much focuses on the prevention of waste as a priority. We have also designed the product to enable easy customisation and personalisation from an organisation and enterprise perspective. ‘This eLearning module helps individuals and organisations to understand food waste and to gain the basic knowledge to start to reduce wastage.’ Tristram Stuart, FEEDBACK.
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- The Journey of Food 23 KB
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