Getting more value from waste and surplus food and drink

Uploaded by: Emily Gardiner
Uploaded on: 3rd May 2018
Author(s): WRAP

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A key area of focus for WRAP’s Courtauld Commitment 2025 is to identify the best ways to recover products from food waste with the remaining wastes still being recycled in the most appropriate way.

Valorisation is the process of converting food waste materials into useful products including chemicals, materials, and fuels. This approach is attracting renewed interest in the food sector due to the fast depletion of natural and primary resources, increased waste generation and the need for more sustainable and cost-efficient waste management protocols.

WRAP’s Food Waste Valorisation programme aims to develop innovative solutions for waste that challenge current thinking, add economic value to existing management processes and develop solutions and markets that will deliver new products into new applications

More info link:
