Your Workplace Without Waste

Uploaded by: Philippa Hoy
Uploaded on: 23rd October 2017
Author(s): WRAP

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This introduction to the ‘Your Workplace Without Waste’ programme explains how this innovative, lively employee engagement programme works.   To help embed positive behaviour change, the programme is based on activities that encourage employees to reduce waste by engaging them in ‘how to act’ rather than telling them ‘what to do’. The series of short, fun,  interactive training sessions help staff to: understand the financial and environmental impacts of workplace waste, learn how to recognise, measure and cost waste and generate solutions to reduce waste and put them into practice.   The materials have been designed to be delivered by your staff to your staff.  Full train-the-trainer slides and notes are provided for an appropriate person in your organisation to familiarise a team of Champions with the activities they will run with their colleagues.

Contact name: Philippa Hoy
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More info link:
