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Frameworks for Action: Selection Process
Kate Bygrave (WRAP); David Rogers (WRAP); Patrik Eisenhauer (CSCP); Nora Bruggeman (CSCP); Toine Timmermans (Wageningen Food &; Biobased Research); Balazs Cseh (Hungarian Food Bank Association); Feliu Lopez-i-Gelats (CREDA-UPC-IRTA); Raquel Díaz-Ruiz (CREDA-UPC-IRTA)
This report records the progress of four European countries (Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain) in the ...
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REFRESH Interim Results
Wunder, Stephanie, Erica van Herpen, David Rogers, Kate Bygrave, Manuela Gheoldus, Matteo Vittuari, Karin Östergren, Graham Moates, Keith Waldron, Keighley McFarland, Lucy Smith, Melanie Kemper (2017) REFRESH Interim Results.
This brochure describes the interim results of the REFRESH (Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply ...
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